Date(s) - 26/07/2014
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm
The Blue Orange Theatre
Tony Barrett asThe Tat Man (photo by Stuart Williams)
“The Life And Times of the Tat Man”.
By David Calcutt.
The Tat Man exists on the edge. He speaks from one of the borderland places. He is the traveller, the alien, the other, the Tat Man. He is with us and yet not us. He drives his horse and cart down our streets collecting rags and tat and any old iron, but he is equally a character from myth and legend. He collects stories, his rag-and-tat tales, because there is deep truth in those old tales. He lives closer to the raw, untamed life than we ever do. He brings us closer to those wild energies that are in us, just beneath our civilised veneer and shows us for what we are, animals of the natural world. The play is set after the First World War. The stories you will hear in this intense, emotional, one-man show and the questions the Tat Man asks you, shows you, lives through for you, will stay with you long after the show is over.
Performer: Tony Barrett
Director: Glen Buglass
Performance dates Sat 26th & Sun 27th July 5pm.
Tickets £5. To book click here.
A review can be read here.
A trailer can be seen here.
The writer is online here.