Date(s) - 18/07/2013
8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
@ A.E. Harris
“Tempestory” is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”.
Prospero is an elderly man living in a sea-side nursing home. Hours and days blur into each other, punctuated by meals, matron’s medication rounds, daytime TV and infrequent visits by family members. Propsero’s mind wanders.
In the communal lounge, a solitary window lets in light, sounds of the sea and ideas of the world outside. Memories stir. His mind runs over his life, recreating, re-imagining.
Tempestory focuses on the original play’s exploration of family, forgiveness and surrendering one’s life’s work, energy and independence. Much of what happens in the original play is ‘played out’ in the elderly Propsero’s imagination, memory, and dreams. Tempestory doesn’t aim to present a tragic, depressive or cynical story, but one which will highlight the warmth, amusement and fruitful relationships possible in the face of adversity.
After preview performances at Birmingham Fest and Bristol Shakespeare Festival, director Daniel Tyler has been commissioned to premiere this production at the Almagro International Festival of Classical Theatre in July as part of their emerging directors scheme. It will then perform at Madrid Fringe Festival.
Tickets £6.
To book click here
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