Shows - 17 Jul 24

Date/Time Show

"Out At Sea" by Birmingham Little Theatre
17/07/2024 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

This Latvian theatre company present a captivating show that tells the story of three hungry men adrift at sea on a raft. Created by Polish absurdist playwright Slawomir Mrozek, this darkly comic production delves into the depths of human nature and the power dynamics that emerge in desperate situations.

"A Worker's Paradise" by Birmingham History Theatre Company
17/07/2024 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm

This year marks the Bi-centenary of  the first Cadbury’s shop in Bull St, Birmingham in 1824. Birmingham History Theatre Company uses this occasion to explore and celebrate the Cadbury story, through the  eyes of four generations of a Birmingham family who all worked for them.

"My Chat With Harold Pinter" by Leaning House
17/07/2024 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

What do you do when your neurodivergent brain isn’t playing ball? It would rather recount tweets and past traumas. Jen has decided the only way forward is to ask Harold Pinter for help – this play won’t write itself. The only problem is Pinter doesn’t play ball either, he prefers cricket.

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