Peter Pan Goes Wrong (photo by Pamela Raith)
Peter Pan Goes Wrong. Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham.
Think you’ve seen Peter Pan? Think again!
Presented by the fictitious “Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society” this is their latest am-dram production – Peter Pan. You’ve heard the saying “it’ll be alright on the night”. Well in this case it couldn’t be further from the truth. Everything that could go wrong does – in SPECTACULAR style!
You get the feeling however that this is standard fare for the Cornley am-drammers. A group of misfits and divas – with as much drama off stage as on (possibly more!). They say never work with animals or children. Well in this society’s case you can also include props, costumes, sets, flying, electrics, and indeed anything else! This of course ensues absolute hilarity. The audience lap up every single mishap (the audience was roaring with laughter). It must be said that the cast perform these “mishaps” with such polished skill and timing, and that’s what makes it work so brilliantly. There are so many round of applause moments. There is also a wonderful section where Captain Hook (Jack Michael Stacey) has a lengthy banter with the audience where he is furious that it has been reduced to panto (“on no it’s not!” – although it is a bit!).
The show is really presented by Mischief, who have a few other shows in the same vein (The Play That Goes Wrong, etc). I personally think this one is the best. Well the funniest anyway. It’s absolutely hilarious. This year marks its tenth anniversary. The whole cast are fantastic. The energy, the slapstick, the characterisation – all superb. It was also nice that they brought the crew out on stage to take a bow at the end – all of whom also work so hard to make this show happen. A special mention must go to the whole team on the revolve finale which is probably the best use of a revolve you will ever see!
It’s non-stop laughs throughout. An absolute tonic.
You won’t see a funnier show that this.
“Second star to the right and straight on ’til you’re safely in the wings!’
5 stars. Absolute genius!